The National Athletics League understands the importance of excellence in the delivery of athletic competition for member clubs and team competitions events involving NAL representative teams. We are committed to continual improvement. This includes handling complaints carefully in an open and courteous way by investigating the matters raised thoroughly and replying as quickly as possible.
We will treat an individual or organisation making a complaint impartially, in confidence and with respect and courtesy. No individual or organisation will be adversely treated because they have found cause to complain about our service.
We aim to ensure that:
- Making a complaint is as easy as possible
- We treat your complaint seriously
- We deal with your complaint promptly and in confidence
- We learn from complaints and use them to review and improve.
What is a complaint?
A complaint is when you tell us you are not happy about the competition or events we provide. It can be about anything and could include
- When we do not deliver a service on time
- When we give you the wrong information
- When you receive a poor-quality service from the League
- When you have a problem with a member of the NAL
How to make a complaint:
If you wish to make a complaint you can contact –
What happens to my complaint? (Stage One)
Once you have made a complaint to National Athletics League, we will send you an acknowledgement within three working days of receipt. That acknowledgement will provide an indication as to who will be responsible for responding to you and when you can expect to receive a reply. If we cannot investigate your complaint, we will write to you explaining why.
We expect to respond to the majority of complaints within 21 working days of the complaint arriving with us. The time taken to respond will vary depending on the complexity of the complaint. However, if we are unable to respond within this deadline because, for example, the matters you raise require more detailed investigation, we will let you know.
We will give serious consideration to the issues you raise. Where we identify mistakes in our approach, we will acknowledge those and this may include providing an apology, setting out details of other steps we think are necessary in the circumstances, and explaining what we will do to prevent the problem occurring again.
What happens if I disagree with the outcome, or how my complaint was handled? (Stage Two)
We will make every effort to satisfactorily resolve your complaint in the first instance. However, if you are not satisfied by our response or by the way that your complaint was handled, you should appeal to the Chairman.
You will need to outline why you are dissatisfied with the initial response.
We will acknowledge the appeal within three working days of receipt and the Chair will arrange for the case to be reconsidered by of the League who was not previously involved in handling your complaint. This stage will involve a full independent review of the handling of your complaint and all associated papers. The outcome of this appeal, which will be final and binding on both parties, will be communicated to you in writing within 21 working days of the receipt of the appeal. However, if for any reason there is a problem with collating the response, we will inform you of the reason for a delayed response and will inform you of the expected date of reply. After this outcome no further action or referrals will be entertained on the issue.
All parties must treat any complaint in a completely confidential manner.