
Adopted 2nd February 2020.

As amended 7th March 2021.

1. Name.

The name of the League shall be National Athletics League (hereinafter referred to as ‘the League’).

2. Objective.

The objective of the League shall be:

2.1 To provide inter-club competition in track and field events for the athletic clubs of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in accordance with IAAF/UKA rules for competition.

2.2 To promote unified athletics for male and female athletes.

2.3 To encourage the development, from a whole sport perspective, of athletes, clubs, officials and other volunteers, by working with UKA and the Home Countries.

3. Equity.

The League acknowledges and accepts as practice Sport England’s definition of Sports Equity.

4. Membership.

Membership of the League shall be open to:

4.1 Open Clubs as defined by IAAF/UKA Rules at the time (hereinafter referred to as Clubs) who are affiliated to the National Association in whose geographical area of responsibility the Club’s headquarters are located.

4.2 Clubs as have been granted membership of the League by the Committee, who have paid the annual subscription and who participate in the competitions organised by the League in accordance with its rules.

4.3 Members of the League Management Board, (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Board’) namely Chair, Vice Chair (two posts), Secretary. Operations Officer, and Finance Officer.

4.4 Life Members.

4.5 Associate members being such persons who are elected members of the League Management Committee (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Committee’) and who are not Members of the League under 4.3 and 4.4.

5. Termination of Membership.

At the absolute discretion of the Board the membership of a Club may be terminated upon the first to occur of the following:

5.1 The receipt by the Secretary of a written resignation signed by or on behalf of the Club.

5.2 The unequivocal failure of the Club to pay any annual subscription or other sums decided by the Annual General Meeting by 1st January following the Annual General Meeting. The Finance Officer shall give written notice to any Club whose fees remain unpaid by 1st December following the Annual General Meeting.

5.3 The notification in writing to a Club by the League Management Group that the Club have failed to reach the minimum level of participation in the League determined from time to time as being a condition of membership of the League.

5.4 The expulsion of the Club from the League following a disciplinary process.

6. General Meeting.

6.1 Two General Meetings of the League shall be held each year, one in October or November or December (Annual) and the other in February or March (Half Yearly). General Meetings shall be convened by the Secretary.

6.2 If the Board are satisfied that there is insufficient business to justify the Half Yearly General Meeting to be held in February or March then, unless a member club has given written notice to the General Secretary not later than 31st December in the year preceding the meeting that they require the meeting to be held, the Board may cancel that meeting in that year. The Secretary shall notify all those entitled to attend the meeting that it has been cancelled.

7. Extraordinary General Meetings.

7.1 At the discretion of the Board or upon receipt of a requisition signed by not less than ten member clubs of the League, the Secretary shall promptly convene an Extraordinary General Meeting. Any requisitions must be in writing and must state the purpose of the Extraordinary General Meeting.

8. Notice of General Meetings and Short Notice of urgent matters.

8.1 At least 21 clear days’ notice of every General or Extraordinary Meeting shall be given, in writing, to all clubs entitled to attend. The Notice shall specify the place, day and hour of the Meeting and shall specify the business to be transacted. For the avoidance of doubt, the notice of a general meeting may contain business that indicates that the meeting is to consider the subject matter of such item and to take such decisions in respect thereof as the meeting shall approve including changes to the rules or constitution but in the case of changes to the rules or constitution only if the requisite majority present and voting shall approve.

8.2 In the event that some matter arises less than 28 days before a general meeting that can with convenience be considered at that general meeting then provided at least two members of the Board agree, the Secretary shall give such notice as is reasonably possible of such matter to those entitled to vote at the general meeting. The general meeting may if it so decides consider such matter as though notice had been given in accordance with clause 8.1.

8.3 If the Secretary is not able to give notice to one or more member entitled to vote they shall report that to the meeting. The failure to give notice to all those entitled to receive it under this rule shall not prevent the meeting from proceeding to consider such matter or pass any resolution thereon.

8.4 Any notice to be given in writing can be given electronically.

9. Votes at General Meetings.

At General Meetings members shall be entitled to votes as follows:

9.1 Every member club of the League shall be entitled to one vote.

9.2 No others shall be entitled to vote and there shall be no proxy votes.

9.3 In the event of an equality of votes the Chair of the meeting shall have a casting vote.

10. Attendance at a General Meeting.

10.1 The Chair shall take the chair at General Meetings. In the absence of the Chair the Vice Chair.

10.2 Persons entitled to attend and speak at General Meetings are as follows:

10.2.1 Two representatives of each member club

10.2.2 Officers of the Board.

10.2.3 Members of the Committee.

10.2.4 Independent Accounts Examiner

10.2.5 Life Members

10.2.6 Such other persons as may be invited by agreement of the Board.

10.3 Entitlement to attend a General Meeting does not confer any voting rights beyond those set out in Clause 9.

11. Business of a General Meeting.

11.1 The Notice convening any General Meeting shall state the business.

11.2 The business of the General Meeting shall be:

11.2.1 To consider and approve the Minutes of the previous General Meeting and such matters arising.

11.2.2 To receive the Minutes of any Committee Meeting held since the previous General Meeting and such matters arising.

11.2.3 To set a date of the next General Meeting.

11.2.4 To transact any other business which may properly be transacted at a General Meeting.

11.3 The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be

11.3.1 Presentation and approval of the Management Group’s Annual Reports by the officers of the Board.

11.3.2 Presentation and approval of the Finance Officer’s Report and Statement of Accounts.

11.3.3 To elect Board Members, as listed in 12.1 below, i.e. Chair, Vice Chair (two), Secretary, Finance Officer and Operations Officer.

11.3.4 To elect members of the Committee namely- Divisional Co-ordinators (three). Legal Officer, Officials Co-ordinator, Results and Information Co-ordinator, Divisional Club Representatives (five). and such other member as may be required from time to time.

11.3.5 To agree the Club membership subscription for the following year.

11.3.6 To consider and if thought fit to approve any motions set out in the Notice of the Meeting.

11.3.7 To elect an Independent Accounts Examiner whose duties are consistent with the financial legislation relevant to the League at the time.

11.3.8 To transact any other business which may properly be transacted at an Annual General Meeting

11.4 Every motion, including nominations for the Board and Committee, shall be sent, in writing, to the Secretary at least 28 days before the date of the meeting. All motions (other than those brought forward by the Committee) must have at least two proposing members. Representatives of the same member club may not propose and second the same motion.

11.5 In the event that two or more motions are proposed relating to the same or similar subject matter the Board may after consultation with the proposers of the motions consolidate or combine the motions in such way as the Committee considers may assist discussion and the ability of the General Meeting to decide the issue.

11.6 Where a motion is tabled before a General Meeting, minor amendments to sense, grammar or otherwise shall be permitted, where the substance of the said motion would remain the same and where otherwise it unnecessarily failed to be passed.

11.7 Save as otherwise provided by the Constitution all business of a meeting shall be decided by a bare majority of votes properly recorded at such a meeting.

11.8 The decision of the Chair on any point shall be final unless it is clearly in breach of the Constitution and any person disobeying the ruling of the Chair may be suspended by ordinary resolution of the meeting.

11.9 No business may be transacted at any General Meeting unless a quorum is present. A quorum shall be twelve members personally present and entitled to vote. If, within half an hour from the time appointed for the Meeting, a quorum is not present, the Meeting shall be dissolved.

11.9.5 In the event of a meeting being dissolved a second meeting shall be called within 28 days when all business that should have been conducted at the General Meeting shall be conducted by the members present, provided that all member clubs were correctly informed.

12. League Management Board.

12.1 The Board will consist of: Chair, Vice Chair (two), Secretary, Finance Officer and Operations Officer.

12.2 The Board shall be empowered to conduct the urgent business of the League provided that they shall report their actions and decisions to the earliest appropriate Committee or General Meeting.

13. Terms of Office.

13.1 All persons appointed to offices in the League shall hold office until the conclusion of the next succeeding Annual General Meeting.

13.2 Board and Committee members may be reimbursed of necessary and reasonable travel, equipment and/or subsistence expenses incurred in the undertaking of League business.

14. League Committee.

14.1 Without prejudice to the general power of the members in General Meetings, there shall be a League Committee.

14.2 This Committee shall meet whenever it determines and may be convened at the request of any two members of the Committee or any eight member clubs. For the avoidance of doubt the members of this committee are those specified in clause 12.1 and 11.3.8. This Committee shall have power to co-opt additional members.

14.3 Composition

14.3.1 The Board

14.3.2 People elected at the Annual General Meeting under 11.3.4

14.3.3 Athlete Representative

14.4 Management of the League

Subject to any resolution passed at a General Meeting, the management of the League shall be delegated to the Committee who shall without limiting their general power of management have the powers to:

14.4.4 Control the Finances of the League.

14.4.5 Deal with all matters relating to budgeting and finance, membership, competition and day to day management of the League.

14.4.6 Organise “The League”. (On major matters the Committee may solicit opinion from all member clubs and bring recommendations to the General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting).

14.4.7 Call General and Extraordinary General meetings in accordance with paragraphs 6 and 7

14.4.8 Make proposals to General Meetings relating to the Constitution and/or the Competition Rules.

14.5 Members of the Committee participate in a Committee Meeting, or part of the meeting when:

14.5.9 The meeting has been called and takes place in accordance with the Constitution, and

14.5.10 They can communicate to other Committee members any information or opinions they have on any particular item of business of the meeting.

14.6 When determining whether Committee Members are participating in a meeting of the Committee, it is irrelevant where any member is located or how they communicate with each other. A person so participating shall be deemed to be present at such meeting and so be counted in the quorum and be entitled to vote. Such meeting shall be deemed to take place where the Chair is located.

14.7 The Committee shall not proceed to business in the absence of a quorum. The quorum shall be half the membership provided that at least one member of the Board is present. If a quorum is not available within thirty minutes of the time appointed for the meeting the meeting shall be adjourned.

14.8 In ordinary circumstances at least fourteen days written notice of the date time and place of the meeting should be given but in emergency a meeting of the Committee can be convened with such notice as is in the circumstances reasonable. A meeting of the Committee shall not be invalidated by reason of the inadvertent failure to give notice to a member of the Committee.

14.9 In the event that a vacancy shall occur in the membership of the Committee, the Board may appoint someone to fill that vacancy until the next General Meeting at which the members shall elect a replacement.

14.10 The Committee may at its discretion co-opt other members onto it but without voting powers. For the avoidance of doubt, a person appointed to fill a casual vacancy in accordance with paragraph 14.9 shall not be considered to be co-opted and shall have a vote.

14.11 The Committee may delegate any part (but not the whole) of its functions to any sub-group whose membership it shall determine.

15. Procedures at Committee Meetings.

15.1 The Chair shall take the chair at Committee Meetings. In the absence of the Chair the Vice Chair, if all three are absent the meeting shall elect a Chair from the Board.

15.2 Every member (excluding co-opted members) shall be entitled to vote at Committee Meetings.

15.3 In any vote no individual, irrespective of the number of offices held, shall be entitled to more than one vote.

15.4 Save as otherwise provided by the Constitution all business of a meeting shall be decided by a bare majority of votes properly recorded at such a meeting.

15.5 In the event of an equality of votes the Chair of the meeting shall have a casting vote.

15.6 The decision of the Chair on any point shall be final unless it is clearly in breach of the Constitution and any person disobeying the ruling of the Chair may be suspended by ordinary resolution of the meeting.

16. Minutes.

16.1 The Secretary shall cause proper minutes to be kept of the proceedings of all General Meetings and Committee Meetings.

16.2 Every member club of the League and every member of the Committee shall be entitled to receive a copy of all minutes.

17. Rules of Competition.

17.1 The Committee shall cause to be prepared detailed Rules covering such competitions as the League shall promote. The Committee may vary the conduct of any specific competition in its absolute discretion subject to conforming to Clause 17.2

17.2 The Competition Rules shall be consistent with UKA Rules of Competition as a minimum. Such Rules and all amendments thereto shall be subject to approval at a General Meeting, except when paragraph 17.2.1 applies,

17.2.1 the NAL Board are authorised to make changes to UKA/IAAF Rule referencing contained within the NAL Competition Rules, as may be necessary, to comply with or give effect to any UKA/IAAF Rule and UKA Supplement alterations or additions, immediately and at all times.

17.3 Any change to the Competition Rules, other than those arising under 17.2.1 above, shall require a simple majority of those members present and voting to approve the change in accordance with paragraph 9.

17.4 Once approved under Rule 17.3, OR changed by the Board as per 17.2.1, the new NAL Competition Rules shall become effective immediately and shall be circulated to member clubs and published on the NAL website within 14 days of any change.

18. Finances.

18.1 The League is non-profit making.

18.2 The Financial Year shall be from 1st October to 30th September.

18.3 The Finance Officer shall keep accounting records which are sufficient to show and explain the League’s transactions, Assets and Liabilities.

18.4 Any member of the League who is entitled to attend and vote at a General Meeting shall be entitled to see the detailed accounts of the League at the Annual General Meeting

18.5 The Finance Officer to produce prepared accounts made up to 30th September in each year.

18.6 All surplus income or profits are to be reinvested in the League. No surpluses or assets will be distributed to members or third parties.

19. Disclosure of Interests.

19.1 Any member of the Board or Committee shall disclose to the Secretary any matter in which they or a close relative have a direct or indirect interest or duty in the sport of athletics which conflicts or may conflict with the interests of the League.

19.2 If such disclosures are made at a meeting the other members will decide whether the conflict is material or not and how the conflicted member might participate in that aspect of the meeting.

19.3 Such disclosures to be recorded in the minutes.

20. Indemnity.

20.1 Every member of every Committee of the League and every Officer or servant of the League (whether Honorary or otherwise) shall be indemnified by the League against, and it shall be the duty of the Committee out of the funds of the League to pay, all losses and liabilities which any such member, Officer or servant may incur or sustain in the bona fide execution of the duties of their office or in relation thereto. Such indemnity does not extend to a negligent act.

20.2 No member of the League or any Committee thereof and no Officer or servant of the League shall be liable for the acts, receipts, neglects or defaults of any other member, Officer or servant of the League, or for joining in any receipt for the sake of conformity or for any loss or damage occasioned by any error of judgement or oversight on the other’s part, or for any loss, damage or misfortune whatever, which shall happen in the execution of the duties of their office or in relation thereto.

21. Disciplinary And Appeals Procedures.

21.1 Any matters which do not fall within the remit of IAAF rule 146 and the associated UKA supplement, and which relate to the League Competition Rules and NAL Guidelines shall be in accordance with League Disciplinary and Appeals procedures. The NAL Committee cannot consider matters or appeals properly belonging to UKA.

21.2 In the event that at any time it shall appear to the Committee that the conduct of any member is in breach of the Constitution or Rules of the League or otherwise is such that the member’s conduct is not in the best interests of the League they may investigate such matters and shall allow the member whose conduct is complained of all reasonable opportunity to respond to such allegations in accordance with the above.

22. Dissolution.

22.1 The League shall have the power to wind-up or to amalgamate with any other athletic organisation. Such winding up or amalgamation shall require the approval of a resolution passed at a General Meeting of the League at which not less than two thirds of the votes cast are in favour.

22.2 In the event of dissolution, the Committee then in office shall remain in being for the purpose of winding up the League’s financial affairs through discharging the Leagues debts and liabilities.

22.3 Any assets remaining shall be given or transferred to another Athletic Organisation, or to a registered charity associated with the sport of athletics or to the sport’s governing body as decided at a general meeting and failing such a decision as the Committee shall decide.

23. Life Membership.

23.1 The Committee may from time to time make recommendations to the Annual General Meeting to award Life Membership to those who have rendered exceptional services to the League.

23.2 Individuals to be appointed as Life Members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and must have the support of a simple majority of voting members present.

23.3 No more than two Life Memberships will be awarded in any calendar year

23.4 Life Members shall not have voting rights.

24. Amendments to The Constitution.

24.1 Any amendment to the Constitution shall require the approval of a resolution passed at a General Meeting of the League at which not less than two thirds of the votes cast are in favour.

The National Athletics League hereby adopts and accepts this amended constitution as its current operating guide regulating the actions of members.