News – 2023 In memory of athletics commentator and statistician Peter Matthews Harrow victory seals second place at Alexander Stadium TVH triumph to take third consecutive NAL Premiership title TVH push to retain title as Harrow go on the attack in Premiership final Final round of NAL fixtures on Saturday 5th August Terrific Thames Valley record back-to-back NAL Premiership wins Windy Woodford blows away personal bests in NAL Premiership Booth sets world steeplechase masters best in NAL Championship match Seven UK outdoor champions down for NAL Premiership Round 2 Harry Kendall: Team England’s NAL-loving Star Wars fan keen to inspire young talent Windsor wins aplenty, hammer heroics & worsening weather at Eton Premiership opener TVH top rained-off Premiership opener in Manchester Internationals Kendall, Vincent and Wingfield set for strong Championship fixtures Strickler, Lally, Irozuru, Haydock-Wilson among GB stars headlining NAL Premiership opener NAL team seal six stunning victories at Loughborough International NAL announces team for Loughborough International